緊急事態宣言下の日々(Ordinary days in the declaration of the state of emergency)




Hello! I’m Yasuhisa Takahashi, patent attorney. I’m writing this article in the second time declaration of the state of emergency in Tokyo. Due to the declaration of the state of emergency, it has been difficult to go outside to train Golf. Thus, I have purchased some indoor golf training tools for enabling Golf training. I’m going to train Golf with these tools to update my best score. The attached image shows my golf training tools newly purchased.

As well know, golf tools such as drivers and irons are outcomes of newest technologies and thus a number of patent applications related to golf tools have been filed. Even a golf ball which has a simple outward appearance, 965 Japanese patent applications related to the golf ball (Japanese patent applications including the words of “golf ball” in its title) have been published during 10 years from 2010 to 2020.

The patent related to “wound golf ball” so-called “Haskell ball” is famous as the patent for golf ball and this patent was issued in U.S. in 1899. Until now from over 100 years ago, various technological innovations have been applied to develop Golf ball. Viewed in this way, I feel big presence of small golf ball.




