2022/04 Archives

とあるスーパーマーケットにて (In one supermarket)

先日、あるスーパーマーケットにて、添付画像のシャンプー「WHO CARES?」を発見したので、購入しました。
実は、このシャンプー「WHO CARES?」は、日米における商標権の取得を、当所がお手伝いさせていただいたものです。

Hello! I’m Yasuhisa Takahashi, Patent attorney with Asahi&Masuda Patent attorneys.
The other day, I found one shampoo produced named “WHO CARES?” shown in the attached image in one supermarket and bought it.
Actually, we helped for obtaining trademark rights in Japan and United States for this shampoo “WHO CARES?”.
I was really impressed by the fact that the product for which we helped was displayed on the shelf in the supermarket.
I find my job rewarding from such a matter and decide to sincerely provide you with my work for protecting your IP rights.


種苗法改正(Revision of Plant Variety Protection and Seed Act)


New Plant Variety Protection and Seed Act was put into effect on April 1, 2022.
This new law allows a Japanese patent attorney to provide new consulting services related to “Protection of New Varieties of Plants” and assist the filing services to foreign authorities.
Our firm has already had a lot of connections with law firms in 30 countries or more including US, Europe and Asian countries in the fields of the patent and trademark. Thus, we can bridge clients with our associates in foreign countries straightforwardly.
In addition, we have capable a certified administrative procedures legal specialist, so that we can also become a representative to register “New Varieties of Plants” in Japan.
We look forward to receiving any questions concerning “Protection of New Varieties of Plants” from you.





