クリスマスプレゼント(Christmas Present)



 ちょっと気になって、「将棋」が発明の名称に含まれている特許出願や実用新案登録出願があるのか調べてみたところ、未登録のものも含めると、300件以上の出願があることがわかりました。登録はされていませんが、「3人用将棋」、「しゃべる将棋盤」、「将棋のお相手装置」などの、独創的で興味深い出願も見つかりました。特許査定がされたものとしては、「布・巾着型・将棋盤 」(特許第5715205号)という発明がありました。これは、布でできた軽量で携帯可能な将棋セットに関する発明で、旅行中や外出先など、どこでも将棋を楽しむことができるというものです。


<Christmas Present>

Happy New Year! Wishing you all an amazing year ahead!

This year, I spent the New Year holidays relaxing with my family. For Christmas, my daughter received a board game called "Study Shogi," which is sold by KUMON Publishing. Shogi is a traditional Japanese board game similar to chess. The unique feature of this product is that each piece has arrows indicating the directions it can move, making it easy to start playing shogi even if you don’t know the rules. I was a beginner myself, but I enjoyed it right away—it’s great brain exercise and might become a new hobby. Since my daughter plays Study Shogi at kindergarten, she has already become quite skilled at shogi. I managed to win this time, but I realized I needed to practice more to keep up with her and avoid losing next time.

I got curious and looked into patent and utility model applications with "shogi" in their titles. It turns out there are over 300 applications, including unregistered ones! Although not registered, creative and fascinating applications such as 'Shogi for Three,' 'Talking Shogi Board,' and 'Shogi Opponent Device' were found. One of the granted patents is the "Cloth Drawstring-type Shogi Board" (Patent No. 5715205), a lightweight, portable cloth shogi set that makes it convenient to play anywhere, such as while traveling. There are many other fascinating inventions as well, so if you’re interested, I recommend checking them out!

May this year be filled with happiness and success for everyone.




