
武器の必要性 (Need for weapons)


If unarmed people encounter a tiger in the mountains, they will not be able to escape. Don't worry, the tiger in the photo is at Tama Zoo. In the business world, you need weapons as well. One of the most important weapons in the business world is intellectual property rights. If you are interested in acquiring intellectual property rights, please contact ASAHI & MASUDA patent & trademark attorneys.




In this winter, there was little snowfall nationwide, but the warm weather in April has caused the snow to melt faster than usual, even in the high-altitude mountains. At the beginning of this month, I took a photo of Mt. Chokai in Akita Prefecture, where the snowfall is heavy and the snow melts slowly. I’ve seen this mountain for many years, but this is the first time I've seen the snow melt this far in May.

If we don’t get enough rain from now on, I’m worried about water shortages in this summer. We think the days will get hotter as we head into summer, so we sincerely wish you, your colleagues, your families all well-being on this situation.


シンガポール (In Singapore)








(写真) ガーデンズバイザベイの夜景、多肉植物、クラウドフォレストの高さ35mの屋内の滝

Last month, I traveled to Singapore for my holiday.
As the venues of the international conferences were in Singapore last year (INTA, APAA), the attendees gave me travel tips which were helpful.

I stayed in Singapore for 4 days and found that it was not enough to visit all in one since each place was enormous.
The modern architecture was in harmony of the plants which was impressive.
There are districts of India, China and Arab which were interesting.

The place I liked the most was Flower Dome at Gardens by the bay.
There were so many beautiful succulents like paradise!
This Flower Dome is one of the largest conservatory in the world.

Also, Singaporean food (Chili crab, Hainanese chicken rice etc…) was amazing.
I’d like to visit there again.

When you travel abroad, it is not rare to face some kind of trouble. (Most of the time, I do.)
For this holiday, there was a mistake in hotel booking and one night was not booked.
However, I could book the same room which was lucky. I will be careful when booking a hotel next time. Unexpected experience is also a fun part of traveling abroad, isn’t it?

I would like to appreciate to all of the support of my colleagues while I was away and I will work hard for the next holiday.

(Photo) Gardens by the bay (at night time), Succulents, 35m-tall indoor waterfall at Cloud Forest


知財業界を題材とした小説 Novel settling on the subject matter of the IP field.

こんにちは!弁理士の高橋です。先日、知財業界についての小説「特許やぶりの女王 弁理士・大鳳未来 (宝島社文庫)」を読みました。知財業界を題材にしているという珍しさから気になっていた小説です。知財業界マターが物語のギミックとしてうまく機能しており、非常に感心しました。知財業界に関する知識がない方でも楽しめるかと思います。もし知財業界に興味があれば、ぜひ読んでみてください!

Hello! I’m Yasuhisa Takahashi, Japanese patent attorney. Recently, I read a novel relating to the IP field “特許やぶりの女王 弁理士・大鳳未来 (宝島社文庫)”. I have been interested this novel because it is rare for novels to settle on the subject matter of the IP field. I feel good impression that IP matters properly work as gimmicks for story. Even a person having no knowledge in the IP field will enjoy this novel. If you are interesting in the IP field, please read it!


忘年会の思い出 (Memories of Year-end Party)


One month has passed quickly since this year started. We did not hold a New Year party in January. Instead, I am posting memories of a year-end party of last year.
On December 27, 2023, the previous day of the last working day of the year, we enjoyed lunch at a restaurant with floor-to-ceiling windows located in the 45th floor of a building near our office. The view from the restaurant was endless and it still makes me feel refreshed to recall it. With only two hours, I feel like we had conversations even more than we had in the office during one year.
We rarely hold events in the office and some members hope to hold more, so I am thinking about proposing new events this year.




This is the sky pattern drawn by Blue Impulse.
We would like to provide heartwarming services this year as well.




As the year comes to a close, we would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued support. Wishing you a wonderful New Year filled with joy and success. We look forward to continuing our partnership in the coming year. Wishing you a prosperous and Happy New Year!


APAA in Singapore

11月4日から11月7日までシンガポールで開催されたAPAAに参加してきました。今回は、若い弁理士と一緒に2名の参加です。4年ぶりのAPAAで、多くの代理人と会話し、交流を深めました。写真は、ドイツの弁理士をご招待したTWG Teaでのアフタヌーンティーです。フィンガーサンドウィッチ、スコーン、マフィン、ティーを楽しみました。
I attended APAA held in Singapore from November 4 to November 7, 2023 with our capable young attorney. This time was a first time in 4 years for me. We had lots of meetings and great opportunities of spending our time to deepen exchange with local attorneys in each country. The photo shows the afternoon tea at TWG tea with one of our best friends, a European attorney. We enjoyed finger sandwiches, baked muffins, scones and tea.


研修旅行(Educational tour)


We had an educational tour in Seoul Korea from October 12 to October 14, 2023. 3 groups visited Korean patent law firms to reach our gratitude. The photo is Cheongnyangni Market.




I (Yamamoto) went to Suzuka Circuit where the Formula One (F1) Japan Grand Prix was held in 2023 as well. I hope that various businesses, including F1, will be sustainable.