
ゴルフコンペ(golf competition)



Hello! I’m Yasuhisa Takahashi, Japanese patent Attorney with Asahi & Masuda.
On July 29, 2018, I participated a golf competition for which about 20 members, including some patent attorneys and attorneys at law, participated. Although it was very hot day whose highest temperature reached 37 Celsius degrees, I have a great time with the members.

Although Japanese golfer population decreases in recent years, I think that golf is very useful for developing relationships among members. If I have a chance, I hope to play golf with you and develop a relationship with you!







On July 12, 2018, the staff of the foreign department held a shokibarai (a party to forget the heat) at Tokyo Prince Hotel’s beer garden after work.

On the suggestion from our representative, we enjoyed open-air seafood barbecue. It was a real summer day, it stayed hot through the evening along with the heat from the barbecue, we had the wonderful dinner while perspiring profusely holding a paper-fan in hand.

The event fell without the scope of the original purpose to beat the summer heat, but the dinner was delicious and we believe that our relationship strengthened by spending time together in a green and open atmosphere.

Sometimes, it is nice to have such an event!


委嘱状 (Appointment)


As from April 1, 2018, Toshio Yamamoto (patent attorney) was appointed as a consultant at the permanent intellectual property counseling room of the Japan Patent Attorneys Association. Through this work, Mr. Yamamoto hopes to contribute to the dissemination of the intellectual property even if it means just a little.